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Discover our best plans

  • Sopuerta Abentura • Bº San Cristóbal s/n

    Fun above the trees

    Sopuerta Sopuerta
    Have you ever dreamed of flying through the trees ? Sopuerta Abentura makes it happen! This vast treetop adventure park , the largest in the Basque Country, offers a thrilling mix of adren… Leer más ›
  • Cueva de Pozalagua

    Pozalagua Flasback

    Karrantza Karrantza
    Pozalagua Flashback. Travel back in time to 28 December 1957 and feel the thrill of exploring a new world, as the cave’s discoverers did back then. You will venture inside in  complet… Leer más ›
  • Bº Bollain, 10

    • Teléfono fijo: 946 802 976

    Sheperd for a day

    Karrantza Karrantza
    Join a shepherd and his flock ... and discover the secrets of a trade with more than 4,000 years of history! Take part in this experience, which is open to everyone, although it is specially desi… Leer más ›
  • Avenida Encartaciones, 72

    The authentic black gold

    Balmaseda Balmaseda
    The artisan is fashionable. Learn to taste specialty coffee like a porfesional. We will tell you where the beans come from, how is the roasting process and what makes these coffees so special from … Leer más ›
    • Teléfono fijo: 946 802 976
    Travel back in time to the Iron Age via virtual reality. Witness the fortified settlement of Bolunburu come to life. The route leads to a high point by the Kadagua River, in a wooded area of… Leer más ›

Displaying 1-30 out of 21

Spots you can’t miss