
Old town and the hill of the castle


Discover a new way of exploring the past and present of Enkarterri through virtual reality: you will be able to see historical sites come back to life, all these decades later, through your own eyes.

Delve into the incredible medieval history of the first village built in Biscay. This app will transport you to the 15th century, showing you not only how the symbolic buildings have changed since then but also how a lot of the main viewpoints have now disappeared, such as the Casa de los Picos and the Castle.



Three ways of enjoying the experience

1. With the Enkarterri virtual app you can visit the locations for yourself. Download it on Google Play or App Store.

2. Combine the app with support glasses that you can collect at the Enkartur tourism office or the City Council of Zalla.

3. Through the Oculus Meta Quest 2 guided tour using VR  glasses. Advance booking at Enkartur.



Lehentasunez Jarduteko Eremuak Eusko Jaurlaritzaren finantzazioarekin.
Zonas de Actuación Preferente con la financiación de Gobierno Vasco.


Old town and the hill of the castle




Phone: (+34) 946 802 976

Services / Extra information


Download the app… and get a reward

❱ Enjoy the app in 3 modes: Tactile access, with virtual reality glasses and through game dynamics
. If you choose this option and complete 100% of the game, you will receive a surprise reward. Come to the Enkartur tourist office or the City Council of Zalla to collect it.

