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Towns and villages

  • Mining is closely tied to the history of this municipality, where a visit should be paid to the Basque Mining Museum . The place is filled with curiosities and treasures from the times and is located right on where Concha open-pit mine was. The impressive scenario will make the visitor marvel … Leer más ›
  • Right next to Bilbao, Alonsotegi greets the visitor to Enkarterri . As it winds to an end, the Cadagua River flows through this gateway town surrounded by mountains. This is a place of steep but dissimilar terrain, with an altitude ranging from 50 metres (164 ft) up to 1 000 (3 280). As you h… Leer más ›
  • Artzentales may very well be regarded as the quintessential Basque rural town – hundreds of scattered cottages gathered in a plurality of distinctive districts, within a valley surrounded by rock… Leer más ›
  • Balmaseda

    First town in Biscay
    Located between the coast and the inland , Balmaseda was destined to become a  settlement of great importance . Merchants and artisans met here on their way to bordering landlocked provinces or the… Leer más ›
  • Galdames is home to breathtaking landscapes shaped by mining and to an Antique Car Museum that hosts one of the best Rolls-Royce collections in the world A former mining rural town, Galdames e… Leer más ›
  • Gordexola

    Life goes on placidly in this little valley loved by many for its tranquillity and location – 15 minutes away from Bilbao. The surrounding mountains and architectural heritage reveal a turbulent … Leer más ›
  • Like bordering Gordexola, Güeñes is home to many tower-houses bearing testimony to a violent past of factional fighting . De la Quadra Tower is perhaps the most representative sample, an outstan… Leer más ›
  • The valley of Karrantza , the largest municipality in Biscay, covers an area of 137 square kilometres (85 square miles) divided into 16 parishes – although no more than 3 000 neighbours live in to… Leer más ›
  • Even if the smallest and least populated town in the region, the charming Lanestosa used to be a strategic settlement because of its location on the path from Burgos to the port of Laredo. As a resul… Leer más ›
  • Muñatones Castle is perhaps the best-preserved bulwark in the Basque Country. The castle was the culmination of a long construction process, starting in the 14 th century amid the civil wars that r… Leer más ›
  • This town is divided into a low area and the surrounding hills, where some of the districts are. At an altitude of 210 metres, Cadegal enjoys unbeatable views of Ortuella – a place full of traces r… Leer más ›
  • The Assembly has now been turned into a museum that – together with a hermitage, a former county prison and an ancient inn for representatives – makes up a complex of unique beauty. As if to underpin the allure of the place, a Roman road dating from the first century passes through town. T… Leer más ›
  • Next to the Gothic San Pedro de Romaña Church, the visitor will stumble upon one of the four little bullrings in town, a tradition of the area tracing back to the amateur bullfights that used to be … Leer más ›
  • A Cantabrian settlement in Biscay, Villaverde Valley belonged to Encartaciones until the 15th century and has preserved deep ties to the county for this long. The old school building in Villaver… Leer más ›
  • Cadagua River flows through this town surrounded by mountains, the most populous in the county. Our starting point is presided over by the Town Hall building, a majestic mansion from the 17th ce… Leer más ›

Displaying 1-30 out of 16

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