Amalur cheeses
They are Basque shepherds, Euskal Herriko artzainak, inheritors of traditions dating back more than 4,000 years.
They market their own handcrafted cheeses, made with milk from only their own sheep.
Amalur cheese is handcrafted with raw milk from both varieties of sheep to be found in Karrantza: the endangered Black-face sheep (with the black label), and the White-face (with the white label).
Queso de oveja carranzana cara rubia
Características: Queso elaborado con leche cruda de oveja latxa carranzana cara rubia, raza autóctona de Las Encartaciones. Envasado al vacio.
Precio: 19 € (peso aproximado 740 gr)
Queso de oveja carranzana cara negra
Características: Queso elaborado con leche cruda de una raza autóctona, la Oveja Carranzana Cara Negra, actualmente amenazada de extinción. Envasado al vacio.
Precio: 11€
Bollain Auzoa, 10
48891 KARRANTZA (Bizkaia)
Mobile: (+34) 647 064 215
Email: quesosamalur@gmail.com
Services / Extra information
Tours for groups by prior arrangement